The Lomb-Scargle periodogram performs a least-squares fit of sinusoids to your data
$$ P_{LS} = \frac{1}{2}(\chi^2_0 - \chi^2(\omega)) $$where
$$ \chi^2(\omega) = \min_{\theta}\left[\sum_i w_i (y_i - \hat{y}(t_i, \omega|\theta))^2\right], $$is the sum of squared residuals for the best fit model,
$$ \chi^2_0 = \sum_i w_i (y_i - \bar{y})^2, $$is the sum of squared residuals for a constant model, with
$$ w_i = W \sigma_i^{-2}, $$$$ W = \left[\sum \sigma_i^{-2}\right]^{-1}, $$being the weights for the weighted sum, and
$$ \bar{y} = \sum w_i y_i $$being the weighted mean of the data. The model being fit to the data takes the form
$$ \hat{y}(t_i, \omega |\theta) = \theta_1\cos{\omega t_i} + \theta_2\sin{\omega t_i} + \theta_3. $$The original Lomb-Scargle implementation omits the constant offset -- $\theta_3$ -- parameter, which was introduced in Zechmeister and Kurster (2009)
If you want to learn more about the Lomb-Scargle periodogram, its implications, limitations, and extensions, see Vanderplas (2017).
The astropy package has an implementation with instructive documentation
The cuvarbase lomb scargle implementation is normalized to
In [1]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from astropy.stats.lombscargle import LombScargle
def data(ndata=100, freq=0.1, y0=10., amp=0.05, sigma=0.01, baseline=365., seed=100):
rand = np.random.RandomState(seed)
t = baseline * np.sort(rand.rand(ndata))
y = y0 + amp * np.cos(2 * np.pi * freq * t)
dy = sigma * np.ones_like(y)
y += dy * rand.randn(len(t))
return t, y, dy
f0 = 0.1
# generate fake lightcurve
t, y, dy = data(freq=f0)
# Run lomb scargle
freqs, powers = LombScargle(t, y, dy).autopower()
# Plot
f, (axlc, axlsp) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 5))
axlc.scatter((t * f0) % 1.0, y, c='k', s=1)
axlsp.plot(freqs, powers)
axlsp.axvline(f0, ls=':', color='r')
uses its own implementation of the non-equispaced fast Fourier transform to compute frequency-dependent sums in the calculation of the periodogram. Using the NFFT to speed up the calculation of the LS periodogram was first demonstrated in Leroy (2012).
In [2]:
from cuvarbase.lombscargle import LombScargleAsyncProcess, fap_baluev
f0 = 0.1
t, y, dy = data(freq=f0, sigma=0.08)
# Initialize process
proc = LombScargleAsyncProcess()
# Run lomb scargle
results =[(t, y, dy)])
# Parse the results
freqs, powers = results[0]
# Run the astropy Lomb Scargle
powers_astropy = LombScargle(t, y, dy).power(freqs)
# Plot
f, (axlc, axlsp) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 5))
axlc.scatter((t * f0) % 1.0, y, c='k', s=1)
axlsp.plot(freqs, powers_astropy, alpha=1, lw=2, label='astropy')
axlsp.plot(freqs, powers, alpha=1, label='cuvarbase')
axlsp.axvline(f0, ls=':', color='r')
print "False alarm probability: ", fap_baluev(t, dy, max(powers), max(freqs))